Printing the Series (2 Raise to Power n) Up to n Terms in Java

In this tutorial post, we will explore how to print the series (2 raised to power n) up to n terms in Java, using the BlueJ programming language. We will utilize the Math.pow() function to calculate the powers of 2, and convert the resulting double values to integers using the cast operator. Additionally, we will discuss the syntax, provide examples, and explain the logic to stop the series as soon as the number exceeds 100.

Understanding the Series

Before diving into the code, let’s briefly discuss the series we want to print. We are interested in printing the values of 2 raised to the power of n, where n ranges from 0 to a specified number of terms. For example, if we want to print the series up to 5 terms, the values would be 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16.

Using Math.pow() and Cast Operator

To calculate the powers of 2, we can use the Math.pow function provided by Java’s standard library. The Math.pow function takes two arguments, the base and the exponent, and returns the result as a double value. To convert the double result to an int value, we can use the cast operator, which truncates the decimal part.

// Example: Printing the Series (2 Raise to Power n) Up to n Terms

int n = 10; // Number of terms to print
int maxValue = 100; // Maximum value to stop the series

System.out.print(“Series (2 Raise to Power n): “);

for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)

double result = Math.pow(2, i);
int intValue = (int) result;

if (intValue > maxValue)




System.out.print(intValue + ” “);



  • We start by initializing the variable n with the number of terms we want to print.
  • We also define the maxValue variable, which represents the maximum value at which we want to stop the series.
  • Inside the for loop, we calculate the power of 2 using the Math.pow function, with the exponent i.
  • The result is stored in a double variable result.
  • We then use the cast operator (int) to convert the double result to an integer, stored in the variable intValue.
  • Next, we check if the intValue exceeds the maxValue. If it does, we break out of the loop to stop the series.
  • Finally, we print the intValue to display the series horizontally.


In this blog post, we learned how to print the series (2 raised to power n) up to n terms in Java, using the BlueJ programming language. We utilized the Math.pow function to calculate the powers of 2 and converted the resulting double values to integers using the cast operator. We also discussed the logic to stop the series as soon as the number exceeds 100, providing examples and explanations of the syntax.

Printing series like this is a common task in programming, and understanding how to use functions and cast operators is essential. Feel free to experiment with different values of n and maxValue to explore the behavior of the series.