Exploring Python Dictionaries: Looping and Built-in Functions

In Python, dictionaries are a powerful data structure for storing and organizing data in key-value pairs. They are commonly used when you need to associate information with unique identifiers. In this webpage, we will explore how to loop through dictionaries using the zip(), enumerate(), and sorted() functions, along with the for loop. Let’s get started!

Looping Through a Dictionary

Looping through a dictionary allows you to access its keys, values, or both. The for loop is commonly used for this purpose. Let’s see how it works.

ages = {
“John”: 25,
“Emily”: 30,
“Michael”: 35

Looping through keys

for name in ages:



In this example, the for loop iterates through the keys of the ages dictionary and prints each name.

Using zip() with Dictionaries

The zip() function in Python allows you to combine multiple iterables into a single iterable. When used with dictionaries, zip() can be used to loop through keys and values simultaneously.

names = [“John”, “Emily”, “Michael”]
ages = [25, 30, 35]

for name, age in zip(names, ages):
print(name, age)


John 25
Emily 30
Michael 35

In this example, the zip() function combines the names and ages lists into a single iterable. The for loop then iterates through the zipped iterable and prints each name and age pair.

Using enumerate() with Dictionaries

The enumerate() function in Python is used to add a counter to an iterable, returning tuples of the form (index, value). You can use enumerate() to loop through dictionaries and access both keys and values along with their respective indices.

ages = {
“John”: 25,
“Emily”: 30,
“Michael”: 35

for index, (name, age) in enumerate(ages.items()):
print(index, name, age)


0 John 25
1 Emily 30
2 Michael 35

In this example, the enumerate() function is used with the ages.items() method, which returns a sequence of key-value pairs as tuples. The for loop iterates through the enumerated iterable and prints the index, name, and age.

Sorting a Dictionary with sorted()

The sorted() function in Python is used to sort iterables in a specific order. When used with dictionaries, sorted() can sort the keys or values of a dictionary.

ages = {
“John”: 25,
“Emily”: 30,
“Michael”: 35

Sorting by keys

for name in sorted(ages):

Sorting by values

for name in sorted(ages, key=ages.get):



In the first loop, sorted() is used without specifying a key, so it sorts the keys of the ages dictionary alphabetically. In the second loop, sorted() is used with the key=ages.get parameter, which sorts the keys based on their corresponding values.


Congratulations! You’ve learned how to loop through dictionaries using the zip(), enumerate(), and sorted() functions along with the for loop. By utilizing these techniques, you can access and manipulate key-value pairs efficiently.

Dictionaries are a versatile data structure in Python, and mastering their usage will greatly enhance your programming skills. Keep practicing and exploring different aspects of dictionaries to deepen your understanding. Happy coding!