IELTS vs PTE: Which English Language Exam is Right for You?

When it comes to demonstrating your proficiency in the English language, there are several exams available. Two of the most popular ones are IELTS and PTE. Both tests are widely accepted by academic institutions, immigration offices, and employers around the world. But how do they differ, and which one should you take? Let’s find out!

IELTS vs PTE – Exam Format

The format of the IELTS and PTE exams differs in several ways. The IELTS exam consists of four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The Listening, Reading, and Writing sections are conducted in one sitting, while the Speaking section is usually scheduled on a different day. The total test time is 2 hours and 45 minutes.

On the other hand, the PTE exam is entirely computer-based and consists of three sections: Speaking and Writing, Reading, and Listening. The entire test is conducted in one sitting, and the total test time is 2 hours.


Both IELTS and PTE use a scoring system to measure a candidate’s proficiency in the English language. In the IELTS exam, each section is scored on a scale of 0 to 9, and the overall score is the average of the four sections. PTE, on the other hand, uses a scoring system of 10-90, and the score is calculated based on the candidate’s performance in each of the three sections.

PTE Academic Score232936465666768489
IELTS Band4.

Test Content

The content of the IELTS and PTE exams also differs. The IELTS exam focuses more on the use of formal English, whereas the PTE exam includes more conversational English. The IELTS reading and writing sections include long-form essays and articles, while the PTE reading and writing sections consist of shorter passages and multiple-choice questions.

Listening Tasks

The listening tasks of PTE and IELTS share some similarities, but there are also some notable differences. Both tests have a listening section that evaluates a candidate’s ability to understand spoken English in various contexts, such as lectures, conversations, and interviews. The tasks in both tests are designed to assess a range of listening skills, such as identifying the main ideas and supporting details, understanding the speaker’s attitude and purpose, and following the development of an argument or discussion. However, PTE’s listening tasks may include different accents and dialects, while IELTS listening tasks generally use standard British, American, Australian, or New Zealand English. Additionally, PTE’s listening section includes a range of task types, such as multiple choice, fill in the blanks, and highlight the correct summary, while IELTS listening tasks mainly consist of multiple choice and completion type questions.

Listening TasksPTE AcademicIELTS
Task typesMultiple Choice, Fill in the Blanks, Highlight Correct Summary, Select Missing Word, Write from DictationSection 1: Multiple Choice, Section 2: Matching, Section 3: Multiple Choice, Section 4: Completion
Task duration45 to 57 minutes30 minutes + 10 minutes transfer time
Audio sourcesRange of accents and dialectsStandard British, American, Australian, or New Zealand English
Number of sections8 to 9 sections4 sections
Number of questions17 to 20 questions per section10 questions per section
ScoringAutomated scoring system using algorithmsHuman examiners using a scoring rubric
Assessment criteriaListening skills, such as identifying the main ideas and supporting details, understanding the speaker’s attitude and purpose, and following the development of an argument or discussionListening skills, such as understanding the main ideas and specific information, recognizing opinions and attitudes, and following the development of a talk or lecture
Test formatComputer-based testPaper-based or computer-based test
IELTS vs PTE Listening Task

Writing Tasks

In the IELTS writing section, some people feel like they need to write in an elaborate and sophisticated manner to get a good score. However, the PTE writing section is different. Instead of just writing an essay, you will also need to answer other questions to demonstrate your writing skills.

Writing TasksPTE AcademicIELTS
Task typesSummarize Written Text, Write EssayTask 1: Describe a Graph/Chart/Table, Task 2: Write Essay
Task duration10 minutes (for Summarize Written Text), 20 minutes (for Write Essay)Task 1: 20 minutes, Task 2: 40 minutes
Word countSummarize Written Text: 5 to 75 words, Write Essay: 200 to 300 wordsTask 1: 150 words, Task 2: 250 words
ScoringAutomated scoring system using algorithmsHuman examiners using a scoring rubric
Assessment criteriaContent, Communicative Skills, Grammar, Spelling, VocabularyTask 1: Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy; Task 2: Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Test formatComputer-based testPaper-based or computer-based test
IELTS vs PTE Writing Task

Note: The information in the table is based on the general format of the writing tasks for PTE Academic and IELTS. However, the actual tasks and test formats may vary depending on the specific test version and country.

Reading Task

The reading sections of PTE and IELTS are designed to test a candidate’s ability to understand written English in different contexts, such as academic and general texts. Both tests assess a range of reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, understanding the main ideas and supporting details, and recognizing the writer’s purpose and tone. However, there are some differences between the reading tasks of the two tests. PTE’s reading tasks include a range of question types, such as multiple choice, re-order paragraphs, and fill in the blanks, while IELTS reading tasks mainly consist of multiple choice and completion type questions. Additionally, PTE’s reading texts may include a mix of academic and general content, while IELTS reading texts are typically academic in nature.

Reading TasksPTE AcademicIELTS
Task typesMultiple Choice, Re-Order Paragraphs, Fill in the Blanks, Fill in the Blanks (Drag and Drop), Reading and Writing (Fill in the Blanks)Academic Reading: Multiple Choice, Completion, Matching, Short Answer Questions, General Training Reading: Multiple Choice, Completion, Matching, Short Answer Questions
Task duration32 to 40 minutes60 minutes
Number of sections5 sections3 sections
Number of questions15 to 20 questions per section13 to 14 questions per section
ScoringAutomated scoring system using algorithmsHuman examiners using a scoring rubric
Assessment criteriaReading skills, such as skimming, scanning, understanding the main ideas and supporting details, and recognizing the writer’s purpose and toneReading skills, such as understanding the main ideas and specific information, recognizing opinions and attitudes, and following the development of an argument or discussion
Test formatComputer-based testPaper-based or computer-based test
IELTS vs PTE Reading Task

Speaking Task

In the IELTS speaking section, candidates are required to have a face-to-face conversation with an examiner, while in PTE, candidates speak into a microphone and their responses are recorded and evaluated by a computer. Additionally, the IELTS speaking test is typically conducted on a separate day from the other components, while the PTE speaking task is integrated into the other sections of the exam.

Speaking TasksPTE AcademicIELTS
Task typesRead Aloud, Repeat Sentence, Describe Image, Re-tell Lecture, Answer Short QuestionPart 1: Introduction and Interview, Part 2: Cue Card/Topic, Part 3: Discussion
Task durationRead Aloud: 30 to 40 seconds per item, Repeat Sentence: 3 to 9 seconds, Describe Image: 40 seconds, Re-tell Lecture: 40 seconds, Answer Short Question: 10 seconds per itemPart 1: 4-5 minutes, Part 2: 3-4 minutes, Part 3: 4-5 minutes
Speaking time77 to 93 seconds (for most tasks)Part 1: 4-5 minutes, Part 2: 2 minutes, Part 3: 4-5 minutes
ScoringAutomated scoring system using algorithmsHuman examiners using a scoring rubric
Assessment criteriaContent, Pronunciation, Fluency, Vocabulary, Grammar, Oral DiscourseFluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, Pronunciation
Test formatComputer-based testFace-to-face
IELTS vs PTE Speaking Task

Exam Preparation

Preparing for the IELTS exam can be a daunting task and often feels like a marathon. On the other hand, PTE offers scored practice tests that allow you to check your estimated score and create a study plan that is tailored to your needs.

Quick Results

When it comes to receiving your test results, the time taken for both IELTS and PTE exams can be a crucial factor in your decision-making process. The IELTS results are typically available after a waiting period of 13 days, which can be inconvenient for those who require their scores urgently. On the other hand, PTE offers a much quicker turnaround time, with results available within just 2 days. This can be particularly beneficial for those who need to submit their scores for university or immigration applications. Ultimately, it is important to consider the turnaround time for results when deciding which exam to take.

Test Fee

The fee for the IELTS exam in India is around INR 16,250, while the PTE Academic exam fee is approximately INR 15,900. However, the fees may vary slightly depending on the location and test center. It is advisable to check the official website of the respective exams for the latest fee information.

Official Website – IELTS Fee / PTE Fee

Final Word

In conclusion, both IELTS and PTE are excellent options for demonstrating your proficiency in the English language. Consider the factors above when making your decision, and remember to prepare thoroughly for the exam to maximize your chances of success.

Other Resources:

PTE Reading Section Tips & Tricks
PTE Test Format -Question Types
IELTS PTE Resources