Preparation, Test Format, Question Types, Guidance – PTE

PTE-English Language Test

PTE, which stands for Pearson Test of English, is a computer-based language proficiency test that assesses a person’s ability to use the English language in an academic or professional setting. The test is widely recognized by universities, colleges, and organizations worldwide and is accepted as proof of English language proficiency for various purposes, such as admission to academic programs, employment opportunities, and immigration purposes. The PTE exam consists of four main sections – speaking & writing, reading, and listening – and is designed to evaluate a test taker’s language skills based on real-life scenarios. With its advanced technology and fast results, the PTE has become a popular choice for people seeking to demonstrate their English language proficiency.

Test Format

The test has three parts comprising 20 different types of questions.

Part 1: Speaking and Writing

Time duration:54-67 minutes

You will be tested on both speaking and writing skills.

There will be 7 different types of questions.

Question Types:

  • Personal Introduction – You will have 25 seconds to prepare response and 30 seconds to record your response.
  • Read Aloud (RA)- Text up to 60 words appears on screen which you have to read aloud.
  • Repeat Sentence(RS) – After listening to a recording of a sentence, you have to repeat it within 15 seconds.
  • Describe Image (DI) – Give detailed description of the image in 40 seconds.
  • Re-Tell Lecture (RL)- After listening to a lecture of up to 90 seconds, you have to retell in your own words in 40 seconds.
  • Answer Short Question (ASQ) – Answer the question in a single or few words.
  • Summarize Written Text (SWT)  -Write a one sentence summary of the passage of up to 300 words. You get 10 minutes to write the summary.
  • Essay- Write 200–300-word essay on a given topic

Part 2- Reading

It is 30 minutes long and has 5 different types of questions.

Question Types:

  1. Reading and Writing: Fill in the Blanks
  2. Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers
  3. Re-order Paragraphs
  4. Fill in the Blanks
  5. Multiple Choice, Single Answer

Part 3: Listening

It is 30-43 minutes long and contains 8 different types of questions.

Questions are based on audio or video clips which you get to hear only once.

Question Types:

  • Summarize Spoken Text
  • Write a 50–70-word summary after listening to the recording.
  • Multiple Choice, Multiple Answers
  • Fill in the Blanks – After listening to the recording, type the missing word in each gap.
  • Highlight Correct Summary
  • Multiple Choice, Single Answer
  • Select Missing Word
  • Highlight Incorrect Words
  • Write From Dictation – Type the sentence after listening to the recording.

Related Link: What is a Listening Fill in the Blanks Question in PTE?

How to Prepare for the PTE Exam?

Preparing for the PTE exam can be challenging, but with the right strategy and resources, you can achieve your desired score. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the PTE exam:

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format: Take practice tests and familiarize yourself with the test format and navigation.
  • Improve Your English Language Skills: Practice your English language skills, such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening, on a regular basis.
  • Use Study Materials: Use study materials such as textbooks, online courses, and video tutorials to help you prepare for the exam.
  • Time Management: Practice time management to ensure that you complete each section of the test within the allotted time.
  • Stay Calm and Focused: On the day of the exam, stay calm and focused, and try not to let nerves get the best of you.

PTE Test Centre’s and Fee

There are 35 PTE test centers across India.
Fee for PTE Academic is 15900 INR.
Fee for PTE Academic online is 15900 INR.
PTE Academic UKVI is 15900 INR.
PTE Home A1, A2, B1 is 13500 INR.
It is advisable to check the official website of the PTE for the latest fee information.

My Opinion

The PTE exam is a computer-based English language proficiency test that assesses your ability to use and understand the English language. The exam is divided into four sections, each of which assesses different language skills such as reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

PTE Reading Tips & Tricks
PTE Exam Describe Image Task-Tips, Mistakes, and Template
PTE Exam Dates in Chandigarh Test Centers